Welcome to The Library
innovative content for image consultants to customise with your own brand and personality
Franchise-free innovative content for image consultants to customise with your brand and personality
Create distinctive talks, presentations, blogs, and social media posts to promote your business
Revitalise your consultations and workshops with alternative perspectives and hints & tips from 40+ years’ experience
Develop your image consultancy and your confidence with in-depth skills, business, and mindset inspiration
Help ladies look and feel fabulously confident. Make a difference. Set an inspiring example. Leave a legacy.

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The Library is full to bursting with

When your mind goes blank
When your mind goes blank and you can’t think of a subject title for your next colour & style promotion, this is where The Library comes into its own. It’s stuffed full of fabulous videos, audios, and articles…
Colour Analysis
- 26 drapes to get you started
- 3 Special drape packs to add to your collection
- 3 Ways to diagnose seasonal tonal
- 5 simple steps to make money for Christmas
- 7 Tips for excellent colour sessions
- Are your clients ‘seeing’ what you see?
- Can a Warm season have a Cool eye pattern?
- Can an Autumn wear black?
- Can you change from one season to another?
- Can you mix Cool and Warm characteristics?
- Can you translate a tonal diagnosis to seasonal?
- Clients who cover their hair
- Colour – The raspberry ripple effect
- Colour analysis for every skin tone
- Colour analysis is not enough
- Colour analysis sub seasons
- Colour for clients with same hair and eye colour
- Colour names, swatches, marriage not made in heaven
- Colourful wedding dresses
- Colours which suit just about everyone
- Convincing an Autumn not to wear bright colours
- Dealing with dubious clients
- Ditch the myths folklore and downright lies
- Do we change season as we age?
- Do you inherit your colouring from your parents?
- Do you need hair, skin and eye colour to define a season?
- How NOT to drape your client to within an inch of her life!
- How not to use a colour swatch wallet
- How to advise on icy colours from the winter palette
- How to avoid confusion when diagnosing colour
- How to colour analyse friends and family
- How to deal with conflicting colour traits
- How to get from tonal to a seasonal colour analysis
- How to introduce colour to the 4 seasons
- How to kick-start your colour consultancy
- How to present colour with confidence and why
- How to run a purple workshop
- If I don’t know my season, can I type anyone else?
- Is she really Bright or Deep?
- It is not your job to change your client
- Let’s celebrate the colour PINK
- Light Spring with Armani overtones?
- Make your mark with colour
- Men perceive colour differently
- Natural light for colour consultations
- People with darker skin tones are not necessarily Deep
- Putting the fun back into colour analysis
- Q&A from first Tonal Taster workshop
- Questions from a live colour workshop
- Recession and the lipstick effect
- Revolutionary colour analysis techniques
- Seasonal and tonal – are they the same thing?
- Swatch wallet pain in the proverbial?
- The beauty of knowing your darkest neutrals
- The Colour of November
- The trials of colour diagnosing family members
- Tips from a real colour consultation
- To drape or not to drape that is the question
- Tonal Taster workshop tips for ladies who look the same
- What does a colour consultation client really want?
- When a client does not fit a season
- Which colour swatch wallets should I use?
- Which neutral drapes do you work with?
- Why you don’t need colour swatches
- Working with neutrals
Ladies’ Style
- 5 Tips how to attract respect
- Choosing swimwear to suit your body shape
- Create a personalised style guide for each client
- Don’t confuse clients with everything in your toolbox
- Don’t take your entire wardrobe on holiday
- How a perfect style consultation changed my life
- How to camouflage chunky thighs, tums, bums, and bingo wings
- How to choose a dress for a special event
- How to pack for a holiday
- How to tell everyone who you really are
- Is style analysis really for you?
- Personalised style advice vs generalised rubbish
- Sleeve lengths and necklines in the office
- The lies around being a perfect size 10
- Vanity sizing
- What to wear to special events
Hair Colour & Style
- Can redheads be Cool?
- Cool and Warm hair colour analysis
- Expert hair advice for your colour clients
- Hair coloured the way you want
- Handling client hair issues
- How to choose hair colours for Cool & Warm
- Reciprocal deals with Wella and other businesses
- Should you cover your client’s hair?
- Skin tone changes and grey hair
- Using colour analysis in professional hair work

Style Personality
- Do you wear what other people want you to wear?
- European vs. Classic style personalities
- From boring to confidently bold
- How to style a client using colour, shape and personality
- Style personality not the same as colour personality
- Style Personality types crucial to the way I work
- The key to understanding how your client truly wants to dress
- The music style you enjoy is a clue to your style personality
- The power and impact of the clothes you wear
- Two sisters. two different style personalities
- What clothes say about you
- 12 Tips to re-launch your colour business
- Approaching business owners for reciprocal business
- Being grumpy could help you promote your own business
- Biggest mistakes image consultants make
- Factoring your fees for multiple client sessions
- How much should you charge?
- How much to charge for colour style consultation?
- How to earn while you learn
- How to focus on what you want
- What to charge – Workshop vs. Presentation
- 3 Top tips to create the perfect consultation
- Are you upsetting your clients?
- Bad spelling reduces sales
- Creating an elevator pitch
- How to get your client talking about colour
- How to read your client’s body language
- How to use Facebook effectively
- I’m going to throw this in the bin
- The art of communicating with your clients
- Why obvious Winter dressing like a Summer
- Why you are not getting all the clients you want
- Your client’s likes and dislikes

- 2 Ways to sparkle and still feel comfortable at Christmas
- 7 Wardrobe planning and personal shopping tips
- Confessions of a lapsed leg flasher
- Cutting-edge wardrobe workshops
- How to promote your wardrobe planning service
- How to weed out your own wardrobe
- Shopping with friends is bad for your bank balance
- Teach your image clients how to fish
- The three questions of buying
- Wardrobe weedout real-life example
More Clients
- 11 ways to get more clients, bookings & income
- 3 Speaking tips to finding more clients
- 5 Steps to make money in less than 8 weeks
- Adding services to your business
- Advertising: How many times before it’s effective?
- Colour and style for the bridal party
- Easy steps to finding first clients
- Global calendar inspiration
- How and why you should use the Tonal Taster
- How to attract an abundance of clients
- How to build your email list
- How to make loads more with fewer clients
- How to sell consistently
- How to stand apart from the rest
- How to tell people what you can do for them
- Promote yourself dripping wet
- Promote yourself locally
- Who are you excluding from becoming a client?
- Working with the Bridal Industry
For less than the cost of a cafe latte
For less than the cost of a cafe latte, you can access over 150 articles, handouts, video and audio trainings and, unlike the size of your cafe latte, the Library keeps on growing!
Stuff the system. Put the client first!

The world desperately needs more image consultants who put the client first. Use The Library to change your future and the lives of your clients who are just waiting for you to help them look and feel fabulous on every occasion!
Kim Bolsover
What they’re saying
Our happy customers have a lot to say about The Library!
Listened to the audio recording this evening while I was doing walk in the park. Great advice. Badly needed at the moment as I promote my Colour Bootcamp.

FranceEllen emailed, “I’m going to do my first group talk soon, which I’m keen for but also a little nervous about! Any tips, always appreciated.” I offered two suggestions. Ellen replied, “Thanks Kim – I spent yesterday going through and picking out some of the Library items that looked useful for this, and will work my way through them over the coming days. Those were already on the list! I can’t believe how much you’ve shared there, it’s a fantastic resource.

UKLet me tell you that the Library is a benediction and came at a perfect time. Thank you so much for those precious advices and the thoughts. This is a great and very helpful material Kim. Thank you so much.

ItalyI love this [Library] so much! One of the best investments ever!

USAHi Kim, I really enjoyed your Library article Creating a Business that reflects you. I appreciated your advice on rules, when you gave people 2 chances to reply to your e-mails. I was having the same problem where I was putting in the effort with people and having to chase them 3 or 4 times when they didn’t reply. I have decided to go with the 2 Rule! Thank you for the clarification.

IrelandHave opted in for the Library and it truly is a treasure chest. Well worth the small monthly subscription. I learn something new every visit. Thanks Kim.

FranceI just wanted to add how much I love the new content about necklaces. Brilliant Kim! Thank you.

UKThe Library membership is a steal of a deal Kim. Keep them coming!

USABrilliant! I have enjoyed listening this afternoon to a few of your audio pieces which took me ‘back to school’ in a very pleasant way. You are so good at what you do.

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